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How do you teach a blonde math?

subtract the clothes
divide her legs
and square root her

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Why are blondes such bad sheep herders?

Because they can't keep two calves together.

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There were three girls at a hair salon a blonde, brunette and a
red head. The red head said "I'm pregnant and I am going to have
a girl because I was on top." The brunette said "I'm pregnant
too and I'm going to have a boy because I was on bottom." They
looked at the blonde and said "are you going to have a baby "
she replied "yes" they asked "what are you going to have, boy or
girl" she replied once again "neither I am going to have a
dog..... cause I did it doggie style"

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What's the difference between a blonde and a mosquito?

Mosquitoes stop sucking when you smack it.

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