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Q. Why does the bride always wear white?

A. Because it's good for the dishwasher to match the stove and the refrigerator.

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Why are blondes burried in a 't' shaped coffin?

Cause every time you lay them on their back their legs open.

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A blonde is driving along a free way when she cuts in front of a truck driver. Getting
really annoyed, the truck driver pulls her over, draws a circle, and says, "Stand here.
Don't take one step outside of this circle."
The trucker goes to the blonde's car and smashes all the windows, when the blonde starts
laughing. "If you think thats funny wait till you see this!" and he slashes all the tires.
The blonde is still laughing. "This won't be funny!" the truck driver said as he sets her
car on fire. Still, the blonde is laughing hysterically. He says. "What's so funny? I just
totaled your car!" The blonde happily exclaims, "When you weren't looking, I stepped out
of the circle 5 times."

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How do you break a blondes nose?

You put a dildo under a glass table.

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