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two blondes in Manchester. one asks the other 'which
is further away London or the Moon?'
the other answers,
Hello, can YOU see London from here?'

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2 blondes walk into a biulding.
You figure at least one of them would of see it!

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A dumb blonde named Wendy walks into
a beauty shop wearing headphones. The barber
says "Miss, if you want me to do your hair
you should take off your headphones."

Wendy frantically says "Oh, no I musn't....if I take my
headphones off I wil die!" The barber ignores
her and says "Oh, don't be silly."

To the barber's suprise
within a minute the blonde is dead on the floor.
The barber out of curiousity takes Wendy's headphones
and puts them on, and she hears a woman's voice repeating "Breath in....breath
out....breath in
....breath out."

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A blonde girl enters a store that sells curtains. She tells the
salesman: "I would like to buy a pink curtain in the size of my computer

The surprised salesman replies: "But, madam, computers do not have
curtains.... "

And the blonde said: "Helloooo.............I've got

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