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Q: What do you call a blonde between two redheads?

A: A mental block

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Q: How do you make a blonde change her mind?

A: Blow in her ear.

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Three blondes are stuck on a desert island
when one finds a magic lamp. They rub the lamp
and a genie pops out, giving each of them a wish.

First blonde: "I wish I was 125% smarter"
*POOF* she turns into a redhead and swims off the island.

Second blonde: "I wish I was 150% smarter"
*POOF* She turns into a brunette and makes
a raft and sails off.

Third blonde: "I wish I was 200% smarter"
*POOF* she turns into a man and walks across the bridge.

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A blonde calls her boyfriend at work
Blonde: "Can you help me?,
I started a puzzle and I can't
even find the edge pieces."
Boyfriend: "Look on the box, there's a
picture that can help you"
Blonde: "Oh, It's a tiger. Thank's".
The boyfriend arrives home.
Boyfriend: " For gods-sake!!!,
put the corn flakes back in the box."

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